Thursday, July 15, 2010

Do you ever...

...Have a crazy streak of Ambition that you just can't control! Well, I am riding that streak now! Here's what's up...

So, I totally wasn't kidding about the marathon thing. To give myself a challenge, I'm signed up for the Rio Grande Half-Marathon on August 15th in Albuquerque. Because of this.. I've been, literally, running my butt off. I'll take this time to toot my own horn and tell you what I've been doing: 7 miles on Monday, 5 on Tuesday, 7.5 on Wednesday, 1 today, and 9 tomorrow. Also, I ordered this really cool gps/watch/hr monitor thing to help me keep track of everything like a pro :) Very cool and very exciting :)

I've finally decided to stop being retarded about "being healthy"... I've taken serious action, along with some help from a dedicated friend, and I am expecting great changes. With that said, if you see me and notice a difference, please tell me. It would really help the process along. I'll be so grateful.

Most importantly... life must have dancing. Cassi and a few other friends and I are now officially dancing queens and are capitalizing on every opportunity we can to go out dancing and have a good time.. So so so SO much fun.

Travelling. I love it. I'm all over the place. :)

Life is good. Wish me luck!

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